How To Build a Child’s Confidence

28th October 2022

Sometimes it can be easier to determine when children appear to feel positive about themselves, and even when they don’t.

Often when children have good self-esteem, they’ll feel confident and proud, they’ll believe in themselves and their abilities. And on top of that, they’ll think good things about themselves.

With low self-esteem, they’re more likely to doubt their abilities and be quite self-critical. This is why making sure you take the steps to help build your child’s confidence is so essential.

And one good way to begin building your child’s confidence in through physical activity and sports clubs.

Why Does Building Confidence Matter?

Children who have high self-esteem and confidence are self-assured and competent. They are proud of themselves and what they can do and be more motivated by their sense of accomplishment.

Being secure in yourself means you are more likely to develop a growth mindset. Something which is very helpful in overcoming obstacles, dealing with setbacks, and growing from them. Additionally, these children are more inclined to ask for help when they need it and speak up about things.

How Confidence Develops

The Covid-19 Pandemic affected us all, more so our children because of not understanding they couldn’t play out or go to football lessons. Confidence and self-esteem gradually builds over time, but not on a whim. All it takes for a child’s confidence to begin developing is something as simple as feeling loved and accepted. As our little ones grow older and become toddlers and young children, they can begin to accomplish things on their own.

They will start to develop confidence at this stage upon seeing that they can put their new skills to practice. Like walking, for instance. Paying attention to their new ability and encouraging it also helps massively.

Any opportunity for children to try, do, and learn can lead to the development of their confidence and self-esteem. Learning new skills, like in sports, making progress toward a goal, and trying hard at something are just a few ways kids grow their confidence.

How Parents Can Help Build A Child’s Confidence

Not every child is the same. Just as some children are more naturally extroverted than others, self-confidence and esteem comes easier to some children but not all. But giving gentle, supportive care and encouragement is a good first step in helping them get there.

Praising your child and avoiding harsh criticisms are important ways of building self-esteem and teaching them to be proud of their efforts. But don’t sugar coat their failures, either. It’s important to learn about successes and failures, and why it has or hasn’t worked this time round. Because only from there will they gain the knowledge they need to improve upon it next time.

Friendship is quite a big part of building confidence. That’s not to say that your child needs thousands of friends, even just one who understands and accepts you is enough. It can really help children to settle and feel comfortable in their environment.

Building Confidence The Kixx Way

Due to football’s widespread accessibility, children can profit from its popularity worldwide. And here at Kixx we have a carefully crafted curriculum to help children build confidence, make friends, and be active.

Football gives you the opportunity to be a part of a team which can help when it comes to confidence. Performing in a team is a skill that is valued in both the working and sporting worlds. The success of a football team doesn’t depend solely on one person. Cooperation is really important.

And whether you win or lose, the appreciation from your teammates allows children to see the importance of their place within that team. Individually, meeting small goals shows children that they have the skills and discipline to succeed.

Even if it’s just improving sprint speed, it proves that they have what it takes to master a new ability.

Joining Kixx

Our sessions concentrate on teaching children structure and positivity through a safe and inclusive environment. We encourage physical activity and healthy living choices since we are aware of how crucial the early stages of a child’s development are.

Your child can develop their communication and teamwork skills through our Kixx Football Academies. All whilst aiming to build their confidence through our encouraging, innovative, imaginative sessions.

The activity shouldn’t feel like a chore, though. Because of this, one of the main focuses of our sessions is having fun. A fun activity where children across the UK can learn, grow, and smile. At Kixx, we make sure our superstars have an awesome time every time!

Join #TeamOrange and play football the Kixx way!

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