How to go about introducing your 10 year old to football classes? Is 10 too old to join a football academy?
As a parent, this is perhaps a question you might be asking yourself. But we’re here to reassure you that if your 10-year-old son or daughter is showing an increasing interest in the game, now is the ideal time to take their love for football to the next level.
Put simply, there’s no right or wrong age for a child to start taking football more seriously and attend classes. Yes, a lot of the children we teach first started out with us when they were younger than 10 – some were as young as 18 months. But, as we all know, children are all different, and some discover the joy and excitement of football later than others. That’s why there are no rules that say kids must start football classes before they’re 10, otherwise it’s too late.
It’s never too late.
So, what can you expect at Kixx when introducing your 10 year old to football classes? Here’s a look at the fun and learning that’s in store for your child.
Introducing Your 10 Year Old To Football Classes: What To Expect
Similar Age Group
New starters aged 10 might be worried that they will be put in a class alongside children who are much younger than them, but that’s not the case at Kixx. Even if your child has never kicked a ball before, they will be taught in a group of children of a similar sort of age and ability. That’s because we tailor all of our classes to suit specific age groups, so that everything they learn and the people they play alongside, and against, are age-appropriate.

Focus On Fun
10 is still quite a young age to be taking football super seriously, of course. So, while our coaches will be going all out to develop a 10 year old’s decision-making, dribbling, shooting and positional awareness; the training programmes we deliver follow established child development phases and have plenty of fun activities built in.
Continuous Engagement
Having delivered lessons to many 10 year olds from all sorts of backgrounds and with all levels of football skills over the years, we know what it takes to keep children energised and engaged during classes. There will be drills to run just like the professionals do during their training sessions, but your child can also expect to take part in game-based activities, as well as matches against other Kixx teams. No one who wears the distinctive Kixx orange kit ever gets much of an opportunity to say they’re bored during our football sessions!
Positive Impact On The Pitch
It’s our goal here at Kixx to have a positive impact and influence on every child we teach. Whether they need to grow in confidence with the ball, build rapport with team-mates, work on their shooting, enhance their positional play, or add a new skill to their repertoire; we’re here to help them become the best footballer and team player that they can be.
Positive Impact Off The Pitch
We’ll also ensure your 10 year old knows the importance of showing respect and empathy towards the opposition, match officials and fellow teammates. Developing these attributes will help them out in so many areas of life now and in the future, both on and off the pitch.
Fitness First
If you’re concerned that your 10 year old is spending a bit too much time playing on a screen, then signing them up for Kixx football classes will give them the chance to play the world’s most popular team game for real.
It’s an excellent way to get them out of the house and moving around in the fresh air (we have indoor facilities too for when it gets really cold in the winter). Football classes will help ensure that your child gets the exercise they need to improve their overall physical health and wellbeing.
Meet And Make New Friends
Every 10 year old is getting to the age where they’re preparing to move from primary to secondary school, a place where they will likely meet a whole new group of children. Starting football training at this time will prepare them for the fresh start they face at a new school, giving them a chance to make new friends during football sessions, and enabling them to demonstrate and develop social skills that will help them when the time comes to move on up to a bigger school.
On The Scouts’ Radar
What if your 10 year old child is showing some excellent football skills in the park or the back garden? Does their age mean they have missed the boat when it comes to being scouted by academies? The answer to that is a resounding ‘no’.
Some children begin to show an interest in football and demonstrate skills at a later age than others- and that’s normal! That’s why 10 year olds are still regularly scouted by clubs and chosen to join academies. So, the message is: It’s never too late. Many of football’s greatest players have come to the game comparatively late in life, so a 10 year old starting out now can still make a big impression on the pitch at Kixx that could catch the eye of a scout and lead to, well, who knows where!
Introducing Your 10 Year Old To Football Classes At Kixx
Hope these tips for introducing your 10 year old to football classes are helpful! Now you know what to expect, there’s no time like the present to take action and sign up to Kixx.
Kixx runs inclusive football classes for all children aged between 18 months and 10 years who are ready to take their interest in the game to the next level. We aim to enhance children’s physical and social skills whilst promoting an active, healthy lifestyle. You can start the ball rolling by finding the nearest Kixx academy to where you live and contacting the friendly team who will happily tell you all the information you need to know.
We hope to see your child at one of our sessions very soon!
If you would like to find out more, please contact us by calling 01302 618080 or emailing