Why You Should Start Children’s Football Classes In The Summer Holidays

9th July 2024

If you’re looking for reasons to start children’s football classes in the summer holidays, then you have come to the right place! 6 weeks can feel like ages… As a parent, knowing what to do with all that time and how to keep your child entertained can be daunting!  

Don’t worry, we have the solution. Keep reading to find out the many reasons and benefits of having your child take part in football lessons this summer! 

Physical Benefits Of Children’s Football Classes In The Summer Holidays 

Health & Fitness  

Every parent knows the value of health and fitness for their child. It may be one of the reasons you’re interested in football classes during the holidays in the first place! The long-term benefits of regular exercise for children’s health are proven time and time again.  

Enhanced Motor Skills 

From coordination, balance, agility, aim, and control, football practice is an enjoyable tool to improve your child’s motor skills. Our football classes are delivered to children aged 18 months to 13 years old. So, we could help develop these skills from an early stage or improve them further. 

Strength & Stamina 

By enhancing their gross motor skills, children who take part in summer football classes will also continue to develop their strength and stamina.  

image of boy playing football for blog Why You Should Start Children's Football Classes In The Summer Holidays

Mental Benefits Of Children’s Football Classes In The Summer Holidays 

Boost Confidence And Self-Esteem  

Children’s football classes in the summer holidays focus on boosting your child’s self-esteem. A team sport, such as football, is all about lifting each other up and bringing the best out in everyone. Motivation is key to building confidence in children

Teaches Discipline And Responsibility  

Our football classes will always put fun first, but that’s not to say we don’t also teach discipline and responsibility. Our coaches have a way of making sure everyone is enjoying themselves and engaged, but also listening when they need to listen! 

Encouraging Communication Skills 

Whether it is listening to their coach or chatting with their teammates, communication is an essential part of any football class. During the summer holidays, this is an important skill to keep on top of, so your child can feel confident when back in the classroom. 

Social Benefits Of Children’s Football Classes In The Summer Holidays 

Making New Friends  

There are many ways football lessons help children make friends. When the long summer holidays roll around, it is likely that children won’t get to see their friends as often. Joining a football class is a great way to link up and even meet new people! 

Retaining Social Skills 

During school terms, your child will likely have developed social skills. They spend 5 days a week with a group of peers, constantly chatting, engaging, listening, and learning. Football classes ensure those social skills are retained during the summer break.  

Being Part Of A Team  

There are many benefits to being part of a team. A sense of belonging, a network of like-minded peers, the value of commitment and practising of leadership skills to name a few. Being part of #TeamOrange will offer your child all the above and more.  

Structured Routine During The Holidays  

While the summer holidays are an exciting time, full of endless adventure, fun, and (hopefully) sun, it can also be a time of apprehension for some.  

All year long, parents and children have worked to establish a solid routine. It can take real effort to finally get one going. Some might be worried that the summer holidays are about to throw that out the window, which is totally understandable.  

There are many ways to prepare for the routine change with your child over the summer holidays and taking part in football classes is a great way to start! 

Having something marked in the calendar every week will never leave you guessing what day it is.  

image of coach high fiving team for blog Why You Should Start Children's Football Classes In The Summer Holidays

Developing A New Skill During The Holidays 

During term time, there is homework to be done! It can be hard to find the time to develop a new skill or passion.  

With the summer holidays offering 6 weeks of freedom, there is plenty of time for your child to try or learn new things. Taking part in football classes will not only keep them stimulated but could also lead to a new long-term passion. We’re never ruling out our young talent one day ending up on the England squad!  

As the summer holidays roll around, a lot of parents might be dreading 6 weeks of trying to get their child away from the game station… 

A lot of that stems from reminiscing about our summers as a child, before tablets and laptops! We’d be kicking a ball around for hours with no concept of time… Ahhh the glory days. You can enjoy that nostalgic feeling when you watch your child take part in football classes in the summer holidays (we’ll even let you get involved too). 

Children’s Football Classes In The Summer Holidays At Kixx 

We’re sure you need no more convincing that children’s football classes in the summer holidays are a great idea!  

So, what are you waiting for? Find an academy near you today! 

At Kixx, we offer high-energy, fun, and creative football lessons all summer long! We promise to deliver engaging sessions that have a positive impact on every child who attends. That’s what we stand for!  

If you want to know much about what to expect in our classes or have any questions, please contact us!