Skills We Teach In Our Football Lessons For 10 Year Olds

20th August 2024

In this blog, we are looking at the skills we teach in our football lessons for 10 year olds and children of a similar age. Our hope is that everyone who leaves our sessions takes away something new. But it doesn’t have to be the same thing as anyone else! After all, every child that joins our academy is different and may learn in different ways.  

Here’s what you can expect from our football lessons for 10 year olds and what they might learn from us… 

What To Expect In Our Football Lessons For 10 Year Olds 

One of the main focuses, in all our football classes, is inclusivity. Kixx football lessons are for every child, no matter if it’s their first time playing football, or if they’ve had experience prior.  

We tailor our football classes to specific age groups, not because we anticipate that older groups will be more skilled, but because we want to ensure all our classes are delivered age-appropriate. The programs we deliver are based on child development stages and (most importantly) a whole lot of fun!  

Our sessions help children come together, in a safe environment, to have fun and learn! Kixx has always fully embraced the fact that every child is different. But, when they put on our football kit, everyone has at least one thing in common… Being a valued member of the #TeamOrange community! 

So, what might you expect from our football lessons for 10 year olds? We continue to create and develop a number range of activities that help keep our groups both energised and continuously engaged. As they are football lessons, we of course incorporate high-energy football drills and game-based activities.  

In some sessions, our Kixx superstars may take part in matches between other Kixx members at the academy. This gives children an opportunity to enhance their teamwork, and sportsmanship and put the skills they learn during the session into practice.  

Again, it may be the first time someone has tried dribbling a ball, or we could be refining already-established skills. Either way, our main goal is to have a positive impact on every child at every opportunity, whether that’s growing in confidence, harnessing a new skill, being an excellent team player, or so much as putting a smile on their face! 

For more information on What Happens In Our Football Lessons For 10 Year Olds, keepy up to date with our blog! 

Image of Kixx team high fiving the coach Skills We Teach In Our Football Lessons For 10 Year Olds

Skills We Teach In Our Football Lessons For 10 Year Olds 

At Kixx, we pride ourselves on delivering well-rounded sessions, which every child can enjoy and engage with. While these are the skills we focus on, we are always amazed by the different skills children develop and learn through our lessons. Needless to say, this list is not in any way conclusive! 

1. Teamwork Skills  

    In our sessions, children learn to collaborate effectively. They come to understand the importance of uplifting their teammates and communicating clearly. Football is a team sport after all, and there is no i in football! We help children work together and towards a common goal.  

    2. Social Skills 

      In a safe environment where everyone is viewed equally, it can help children develop respect, empathy, and the ability to handle lots of different situations! We want all our children to feel safe, be themselves and know their best is always enough and even if it doesn’t go quite so well, that’s perfectly fine too. 

      3. Decision-Making Skills 

        Quick thinking on the pitch can be crucial. Children can learn to assess situations quicker and make informed decisions, whether it’s passing, shooting, or positional movement. Skills they practice on the pitch often help them out in day-to-day life too. 

        4. Technical Football Skills 

          Let’s get the basics nailed! Fundamental skills such as passing, receiving, and controlling the ball are emphasised to build a strong foundation. If possible and safe to do so, we encourage children to practice these skills at home too! Check out our blog 3 Fun Ways To Introduce Football For Under 5s At Home

          5. Dribbling 

            Not stumbling over a football can be a challenge in itself. And if we’re being honest, we’ve all done it before! At football lessons for 10 year olds, children are encouraged to develop confidence with the ball, using various dribbling techniques to help navigate around the pitch and past opponents. 

            6. Defending 

              Defensive skills are honed by teaching players how to effectively block, tackle and intercept play, contributing to overall team defence. We teach children in our lessons how to do this safely and skilfully… No red or yellow cards for #TeamOrange! 

              7. Shooting 

                Shooting is usually a crowd favourite in our sessions for 10 year olds. Placement and power can be both key, so sessions include drills to improve shooting technique, accuracy, power and consistency. This is also an opportunity to encourage one another.  

                8. Use of Space 

                  Understanding spatial awareness can be essential. Almost every legendary goal in football was achieved because a player identified open space and opportunity. Players learn how to create and exploit space, both offensively and defensively, to improve overall game strategy. 

                  9. Physical Fitness 

                    The NHS recommend children take part in at least 60 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a day. Kixx can help with that! Sessions integrate activities that enhance agility, stamina, and coordination, helping towards improving a child’s overall physical fitness.  

                    10. Positional Awareness 

                      Children can be taught the roles and responsibilities of different positions on the field, helping them understand where they could fit within a team structure. These sessions aim to provide a well-rounded football education, preparing players for both the physical and mental aspects of the game. 

                      image of Kixx team in practice for blog Skills We Teach In Our Football Lessons For 10 Year Olds

                      Signing Up To Our Footballs Lessons For 10 Year Olds 

                      There we have it, 10 skills we teach in our football lessons for 10-year-olds. We hope you can agree, it’s an awesome list and one we could continue adding to! 

                      Every single coach at Kixx is passionate about delivering engaging sessions. One of the many reasons #TeamOrange continues to grow is our commitment to helping children learn, succeed, and have lots of fun during the entire journey. Why not find an academy near you today? 

                      As school starts again, now is a great time to start with football lessons. Kixx is an amazing outlet for children aged 18 months to 10 years old. Follow this link to book a class

                      If you have further questions about the skills we teach in our football lessons for 10-year-olds or any other enquiries, please contact us today.